Insulated Doors


Insulated Doors

These doors come under the term: High Thermal Performance External Doors, in a lot of the Green Deal literature, so look out for both terms!

Doors will be part of the Green Deal and they will have to comply with the ‘Golden rule’, that all savings must cover the expected outlay. Doors now have to comply with the Building Regulations for energy efficiency, which came into force in October 2010, and covered front doors for the first time.

Under the legislation, all new doors sold and fitted in England and Wales must have a U-value of 1.8W/m2K (1.6W/m2K in Scotland) or less. The door’s U-value is a measure of its energy efficiency, and the lower the U-value, the more energy efficient the door.

Doors can now be tested like windows for their energy efficiency and a simple A-G rating can be applied to individual products. All Green Deal products, including insulating doors, will have to be tested and must pass minimum standards to be used by approved Green Deal installers. Insulated doors will be part of energy efficiency measures aimed at cutting energy bills through less heat loss.