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The Greenest Government Ever and The Green Deal

Date: 17th Apr 2012   By: ciaran   Comments 0


Green Deal and David Cameron

The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan sets out how the UK will cut C02 emissions by more than a third from 1990 levels by 2020.  It’s going to be tough because they are going to have persuade the great British public to take part, they can’t do it on their own.  But can this be the Greenest Government ever? Are there ‘fracks’ appearing in the bedrock of the coalition?

As we all know persuading the public to change their use of energy is difficult at any time let alone in the middle of a bad recession.  The Green Deal is one of the Governments more ambisious plans to date, and it needs to be, if the targets are going to be met.  It’s also one of the most vilified schemes in recent years as the Government seems to be changing some of the criteria for the Green Deal even before it is launched.

This week there were two statements by the Government, one was the go ahead was given for the re-start of fracking for gas, which has caused wide concern amongst green activists.  The other was that the compulsory addition of Green Deal measures for people under taking home improvements would be scraped, the so called ‘conservatory tax’. It seems there are mixed messages coming from the Government over the way to proceed.

With one act they set out to source more fossil fuels which will add to the carbon footprint of the nation and with the other act they appear to let households continue to waste energy and add to the carbon output.

The Green Deal has received bad press over the past week with some conservative MP’s call the whole scheme into question.  By scraping the red tape associated with  the Green Deal the government is softening the blow of the initiative. Will this be enough to pursued the most ardent critics of the scheme? What effect will it have on the carbon targets set for 2050? Is the Green Deal being watered down to ineffectiveness? Time will tell if this is the greenest government ever.

Let’s hear form you! We want to hear your thoughts and opinions. Do you think this Government can bring jobs and energy efficiency through the Green Deal initiative? Comments below.


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