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What You Need To Know About Green Deal Solar Energy.

Date: 19th Dec 2011   By: admin   Comments 0

What is Green Deal Solar Energy?

Green Deal Solar PowerThe Green Deal will supply funding for property owners to install Solar Photovoltaic (Solar PV), which is a way to harness energy from the sun and use it to power your home. Surprisingly, many house holds are able to generate around 40% of their home’s electricity with solar energy and what isn’t used by the occupants can be sold to energy providers, tax-free!

It is important to remember that the Green Deal’s Golden Rule, means the Green Deal will only fund the installation of solar power equipment if it can be paid back with the savings which it generates over the following 25 years.

How Does Green Deal Solar Power Work?

Solar PV cells are fitted into panels which are easily attached to the property’s roof. The cells are made from two layers of semi-conducting material, such as silicon. As the sun light hits the panels, it creates an electric field which is fed into your houses energy supply.

Many people ask if they need to obtain planning permission before installing Solar Power in their house. The answer is no. As long as the property is not a listed building and the panels are below a certain size, you can install them without permission. It is advised to speak with the local planning officer, though, just to make sure they are happy with your installation plans.

What Are The Benefits of Green Deal Solar Energy?

The benefits of installing Solar PV panels are not only financial . As well as saving the property owner money, home solar power systems offer a valuable source of renewable energy and can save around 1 tonne of CO2, every year. Green Deal Solar will feature strongly in Green Deal Installations as well as various other forms of Micro Power Generation.

Green Deal Solar Power will be available from many Green Deal Providers and Installers and funded by the Green Deal Initiative.

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