Register as a green Deal Installer

If you and your company have done the approved Green Deal Installer training then you can register your company details here and we will produce a page on this website with all your contact details and its FREE!

Why should you do this?

We are currently getting over  10,000 visits a month from people looking for information about the Green Deal. This website is dedicated to informing the public about all things to do with the Green Deal, so the people who land on this site are searching for all the information and contact details related to the Green Deal. The Green Deal is going to launch in January 2013 and there is going to be a big increase in people looking for Green Deal Installers over the next couple of months. If you have any questions please contact us via: ciaran 'at'

Here is the place to register your company if you are a Green Deal Provider, Green Deal Assessor, Green Deal Installer or if you provide Green Deal Training. Please fill in the form with as much information as you can. This information will be published on the website, so make sure that emails and phone numbers are correct.

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